Business Torts Lawyer in Los Angeles

Don’t let yourself feel overwhelmed by your case. The experienced business torts lawyers in Los Angeles at MNB Law Group will help you navigate the complexities of your case.

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Best Business Torts Lawyers in Los Angeles Offering Client-Focused Solutions

A business tort is any illegal act performed by one business against another with malicious intent. Such torts can prove to be quite damaging for an entity in terms of lost profits, damage to their market reputation, losing their market share, and even losing their competitive edge in some cases. For this reason, California Law lays out the standards that all firms must meet to maintain a thriving business environment in the state. However, in the competitive atmosphere with the other competitors in the market, some businesses attempt to harm the image of their competitors.

In the corporate world, such cases are more common than one might believe, therefore it’s important to have a business torts attorney in Los Angeles on your side whenever you’re facing a situation like this and we, at MNB, produce some of the finest! 

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    Similar to contract disputes, business torts affect businesses of all shapes and sizes. While these issues are fairly common to the corporate world, a company’s reputation can take a serious hit from commercial torts, and it may take years to repair the damage. It interferes with regular business activities, which in turn lowers profits and adds financial stress. If you find yourself in such a predicament, our highly regarded Los Angeles business tort attorneys are here to help you get back on your feet as soon as possible and prevent future disruptions.


    Let’s talk about what we can do to help you get results.

    Business Tort Claims

    Torts in the business world might be committed on purpose or as a result of carelessness. The end result is devastating for your company. You have the right to sue for compensation under California law. You have the right to launch a business tort action against a competitor who has committed a tort against you. Damages for monetary losses and injunctions or restraining orders to prevent additional injury to the corporation are sought in this claim.

    Seek a Los Angeles business tort lawyer to bring a lawsuit against your competition if they have sought to ruin your reputation by spreading false stories about your business or if they have intruded upon your business’ ownership or a trade secret, causing you to lose loyal or potential customers. Consult a lawyer and take your time calculating the actual and foreseeable losses your company has sustained as a result of the tort. You should seek monetary damages and injunctions to safeguard your company from such incidents in the future.

    Types of Business Torts In Los Angeles

    Here are a few types of business torts that our LA business torts lawyers handle:

    1. Tortious Interference

    When a third party intervenes with or attempts to intervene in a contractual relationship, it might prevent one party from fulfilling its obligations and, as a result, deny the other party the advantages it was expected to receive.

    2. Fraud

    This is the deliberate attempt to deceive or misrepresent information for illegal gains. This includes keeping crucial information to yourself, keeping silent or even misleading gestures. 

    3. Degrading Company’s Reputation

    When a competitive business attempts to damage or defame its competitor. This can include giving false statements about a business or misrepresentation of their operations that may tarnish their reputation in the marketplace. 

    4. Intrusion into Company Confidentiality

    Invading a business’ proprietary information to gain an unfair market advantage is an unlawful act in the eyes of California law. 

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    Contact Our Business Tort Attorneys in Los Angeles

    If your opponent has committed a tortious act against you in business, please reach out right away. The business tort attorneys in Los Angeles, CA at our firm will assist you to create a compelling business tort claim against the liable party. We will evaluate your case and assist you in determining the monetary loss sustained by your company as a result of the tort, and will take strong legal action against your rival to prevent them from damaging your company again. By hiring our best business torts lawyers in Los Angeles, you can rest assured that you will be well represented in court to defend your claim against your opponent party. So call us today at (818) 344-9200 or fill out our online form and have your case evaluated by our team of experts.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What qualifies as a tort?
    A tort is a wrongful act that harms another party. In business law, torts are wrongful acts committed in the business sphere between companies, corporations, contractors, employees and consumers.  
    What kind of business acts fall under a business tort?
    A business tort is any wrongdoing, intentional or otherwise, committed against a business or other entity.
    How to deal with a business tort?
    It is always the best option to hire legal counsel to help you through the process of claiming your rightful compensation for the damages inflicted due to the business trot.
    How to prevent a business tort from happening again?
    File a business tort claim against the responsible party and maximize your compensation by carefully analyzing all the real and potential damage to your business.
    What compensation will I receive from a business tort claim?

    By suing for business torts, you can get your money back from the offending party and fix your company’s reputation by having the offender publicly apologize for their illegal actions.

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