Legal Name Change Service California

At MNB Law Group, our name change attorneys have assisted numerous people in obtaining a fresh start through the name change process. Receive personalized guidance and expert advice today.

Los Angeles Family Law Firm

Name Change Attorney Near Me

Name Change Lawyers in Los Angeles Helping You Choose Your Own Identity

If you want to change your name, the process can be confusing and frustrating. The court’s clerks are not helpful and unless you comply with all of the laws in California, the court can reject your request to change your name. There are many good reasons for a person to change their name: they have escaped an abusive relationship and do not want to be found, they do not feel connected to the name given to them by their parents, they have had gender reassignment surgery and desire to have a name that reflects and identifies with their gender. Our name change lawyers in LA can help you with this process without any hustle.

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    We Have the Know-How to Win!

    At MNB Law Group, Inc., we understand the process is complex and confusing, but we also know that having a legal name change lawyer do all of the work for you might be too expensive. For that reason, our lawyers for name change in Los Angeles offer Name Change Advisory Services.

    We will review your paperwork, let you know what changes should be made, and explain what you need to do to properly complete the next steps in the process. We can also assist you with publishing the Request for Change of Name and making sure the Proof of Publication is successfully and timely provided to the court, as this can be the most difficult part of the process and is the most common reason a Name Change request is denied or delayed.


    Let’s talk about what we can do to help you get results.

    How To Legally Change Your Name In California?

    The court process of getting a court order after filing a Petition for Change of Name can take up to 3 months and has many legal steps that must be followed. A name change lawyer near you can help you streamline the process. The steps for legally changing your name include:

    • Properly filling out the court forms
    • Publishing the Request for Change of Name (if required – this is typically not required in cases involving domestic violence)
    • Going to the Court Hearing
    • Receiving your Decree Changing Name and taking that to Social Security, the DMV, etc.

    If you are changing your name to conform to your gender identity, or in other special situations, some of the steps are different for you, so our attorneys can make sure that you are aware of the differences and comply with the rule properly.

    If you are changing the name of your child, there are even more rules and more stringent steps to follow and those steps differ based on whether you and the other parent are filing the request to change your child’s name together or not. If you are not filing the request jointly with the other parent, you want to ensure you have the best possible chance of success. The best option is to consult with experienced, knowledgeable legal counsel, like the Los Angeles name change attorneys at MNB Law Group, to understand your rights, responsibilities, and the challenges you may come up against if the other parent objects to the name change.

    What Are Some Frequent Reasons For A Name Change?

    A request for a name change may emerge due to any reason, as long as that name change is not intended for any fraudulent purposes. Some common reasons people might change their name include:

    • Getting married
    • Adoptions
    • Getting divorced
    • Reclaiming a maiden name
    • Changing a business
    • Changing your gender identity

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    Change Your Name With Our LA Name Change Lawyer

    Completing a name change involves filing complex paperwork. The process can take longer to complete if there are any loopholes in filing the petition. MNB offers affordable, reasonable advisory services to help you through the Name Change process so that you can start living your life with the name you want, try to obtain the name you want for your child and that your child deserves to have, or both. So call us today at (818) 344-9200 or fill out our online form and have your case evaluated by our team of expert attorneys for name change in Los Angeles, California.

    Navid Joseph Noorparvar Family Law Attorney Los Angeles

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does it take to change your name?
    The process of changing your name in Los Angeles takes around three months. This includes the day of application till the day of hearing where the judge gives the decision.
    How much does it cost to change the name?

    To get your name changed you will have to pay various fees. The total fee to get your name change in Los Angeles is approximately $450.

    Is it necessary to publish my name change in the newspaper?

    Yes, it is vital to publish your name change in a newspaper, but in case of witness protection and domestic violence you will not have to publish it in the newspaper.

    Can my name change be denied?

    Your name change can definitely be denied if the judge believes that you are changing your name to defraud someone or commit a crime.

    How can I prove my name change?

    Once you have changed your name, the judge will approve your application and give you a decree. This document can be used as your proof of name change.

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