Los Angeles Inheritance Disputes Attorney

Trust MNB Law Group, Inc. to challenge an unjust inheritance distribution with the help of our Los Angeles inheritance disputes attorneys in this stressful experience.
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Settle An Inheritance Dispute With Our Los Angeles Inheritance Disputes Lawyers

If an inheritance controversy emerges, the emotional toll of losing a loved one increases. In the event of an inheritance dispute, it is recommended that parties first review the will. A will is a legally binding document that expresses the final wishes of the deceased regarding the distribution of their assets upon death. Dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation, may be pursued if an inheritance conflict cannot be settled through the will. A mediator’s job is to facilitate a middle ground where everyone can feel satisfied. While hiring a Los Angeles inheritance disputes lawyer from our firm to carry out the will is a good idea if the estate is sizable or legally convoluted.
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    Why trust us?

    We Have the Know-How to Win!

    The process of disputing an inheritance can elicit a lot of strong feelings. In addition to the loss of a loved one in the family, there are legal procedures that need to be completed, and there are time constraints involved. Should a will contest form be filled out wrongly, it runs the risk of being rejected by the court.

    To avoid this, navigate complex inheritance laws with the help of MNB’s skilled inheritance disputes lawyers in Los Angeles. We practice in probate law and are highly skilled in our field, possessing unmatched legal expertise throughout California.


    Let’s talk about what we can do to help you get results.

    Inheritance disagreements are some of the most difficult problems to resolve, and they frequently call for the assistance of a skilled estate or probate litigator. After all, the person who leaves the legacy – the only person who could absolutely answer any questions about the intention and direction of the inheritance – is no longer alive. Because of this, you need the assistance of a lawyer for inheritance disputes who routinely deals with these complex issues, not someone who might handle a few of these cases over the course of his or her whole career.

    Who exactly ought to inherit what? What were the commitments made? What is reasonable? Answering these issues is not as simple as it may seem, but our top trust and succession lawyers are ready to assist you in the event of a dispute. You may not trust a certain trustee or protector. Perhaps a vulnerable parent was convinced to write a will disinheriting you. You may be representing a charity or defending a trust during a divorce. If a family’s fortune is in trusts and other assets around the world, disputes can be complicated and painful. You need top-notch legal advice.

    Common Reasons For Inheritance Disputes In Los Angeles

    A beneficiary has the right to receive their proper inheritance from the decedent’s estate or trust. An inheritance dispute may occur if they feel their inheritance was unfairly decreased or removed, or if someone is threatening to take it away from them. The following are the common reasons for an inheritance dispute:

    • Improper asset distribution
    • Uncertainty about the will or trust
    • The creator of the will was of unsound mind
    • The will leaves gifts to disqualified persons
    • Someone close to the decedent deceptively coerced them into making significant modifications to their trust or will

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    Consult Our Inheritance Disputes Attorney in Los Angeles

    The Los Angeles inheritance disputes lawyers at MNB Law Group, Inc. can guide you through the process. Whether you are contesting a will yourself or fighting back against a family member who wants to contest it, they can help you if you are the one contesting the will or the one being challenged. Your inheritance disputes attorney in LA will keep you apprised of the status of your rights throughout the proceedings, as well as the outcomes that are most likely to occur, and will work closely with you to reach the most favorable end possible for the case. So call us today at (818) 344-9200 or fill out our online form and have your case evaluated by our team of attorneys

    Navid Joseph Noorparvar Family Law Attorney Los Angeles

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the time limit for contesting a will?
    No time limit applies to will validity claims. The court may rule that a person is no longer eligible to pursue a claim if they delay or sit on their rights.
    How long does an executor have to settle an estate in California?
    Unless a federal estate tax is filed, the personal representative must complete probate within one year of appointment in California. The personal representative has 18 months to finish probate.
    Does contesting a will go to court?
    If you prove the will is invalid, it can be reversed after probate. But, contesting a will at this stage is difficult, and you risk significant legal fees if the court sides with the executors.
    What is an Inheritance Act claim?
    The Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975 protects financially dependent relatives. Certain dependents can challenge a Will that doesn’t leave them enough.
    Is it possible to revoke a will after probate?
    Yes, although this is considerably more difficult.

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