In Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Orange County, and throughout Southern California, we love our pets. We take them shopping with us, we take them when we get coffee, we make sure they have food before we do, and we treat them like our family (sometimes we treat them even better than we treat our human family members and maybe even like our pets a bit more too).
What is sometimes overlooked by pet owners is what happens to their pets if they become incapacitated or die while the pet is still alive. Sure, a family member or friend may take the pet in, but there are no guarantees. That is why it is important to keep those furry (or furless) friends in mind when setting up an estate plan. Our pet trusts attorneys in Los Angeles will help you draft a well-protected trust for your beloved pets.
Wanting to provide for your pet or pets does not make you eccentric or lavish. It makes you human, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, and loving.
By establishing a Pet Trust (either stand-alone or as part of a Revocable or Irrevocable Trust), you can ensure that there are assets set aside that can be used only for the benefit of your pet or pets and that those assets will be used to benefit your pet or pets until they have passed on. Our pet trust lawyer will give you peace of mind that your family that cannot protect themselves are protected, and when you can no longer protect them physically.
The important issues to think about when considering establishing a Pet Trust are:
We offer clients both compassionate support and individualized counsel for a variety of family law concerns.
Divorce is a complex process, and our goal is to secure terms that allow you to have a secure future.
We help our clients address their child custody concerns and set realistic expectations for their post-divorce future.
We can help you protect your privacy and keep your assets confidential by establishing Land Title Trusts for your benefit.
Do you want representation in mediation? MNB can provide you with professional, experienced, and affordable assistance.
MNB’s Estate Planning attorneys can help you create an Estate Plan that gives you peace of mind.
We bring business insight, coupled with creative ideas and problem solving skills to our combined 35+ years of legal experience.
All current or former pet owners ourselves, the LA pet trusts lawyers at MNB understand the importance of pets and the meaning that pets have to a person and their family unit. Our pet trust attorneys in LA have the knowledge and experience to help you plan for the security, comfort, and stability of your pet or pets, and to assure yourself that those members of your family that cannot speak up for or defend themselves remain protected in the event of your death or incapacity. So call us today at (818) 344-9200 or fill out our online form and have your case evaluated by our team of attorneys.
Some of the major instructions that you should add in your pet trust are:
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