Protection In An Abusive Relationship

Protection In An Abusive Relationship

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Abuse can take many forms, and it does not always have to be physical. Just because you are not physically being hurt, it does not mean that you don’t have options. You can still file for a restraining order against your abuser.

If you are in an abusive relationship, whether physically, emotionally, or both, contact MNB Law Group for a consultation.

What Kind of Behavior is Emotionally Abusive?

If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship, your spouse or partner might exhibit several behaviors that you do not have to put up with, including:

  • Verbal abuse can be intimidation by yelling and swearing, patronizing, dismissing you, manipulating you, and insulting you.
  • Controlling and shaming you. This includes threatening you, wanting to know where you are at all times, spying on your digital life, making decisions without you, holding financial control, lecturing you, or manipulating.
  • Blame and jealousy. This includes saying you are the one that causes your spouse’s rage, denying the truth, making you feel guilty, picking a fight and then blaming you, denying abuse, accusing you of being the abuser, and destroying your property.
  • They are isolating you or causing emotional neglect by demanding respect, ignoring you, not allowing you to hang out with your friends or talk to them on the phone, getting between you and your family, turning others against you, and withholding affection. They could also call you needy or high maintenance, interrupt you, and dispute your feelings.

If you recognize one or more of these behaviors in your relationship, you could be victim of mental and emotional abuse. This behavior will eventually make you unhappy in the relationship and potentially too afraid to leave.

Signs of Codependency

Becoming codependent leads to being in a dangerous place because you start to believe that your abuser “needs” you. Some signs of codependency include:

  • Neglecting your own needs and taking care of your abusive partner’s demands.
  • Always looking for your partner’s approval.
  • Ignoring friends and family to make your partner happy.
  • Ignoring your wants, needs, and interests.
  • You make all the sacrifices while your partner makes none.
  • Repress your feelings to keep the peace in the family.
  • Feeling guilty when you stick up for yourself.
  • You think no one else would want you.
  • You believe you deserve the abuse and treatment.

Contact MNB Law Group

If you believe you are in an abusive relationship, you have options, even if there is no physical abuse. Contact a domestic violence lawyer at MNB Law Group for a consultation today.